Gradient Sequential Compression Therapy - Large Full Leg Complete Set - only $459 with free shipping!
Product Code: SeqFL
List Price: $549.00
Our Price: $489.00
Sale Price: $459.00
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Gradient 4 Chamber Sequential Compression Therapy Set (Gradient Pump + 2 Full Leg Garments + Bilateral Connector), 220V machine available, ship to worldwide, Made in U.S.A.
Squeezing Compression Mode (Best for Blood, Lymph Circulation Therapy - 20 ~ 100 mmHg, 60 min Timer), Quick & Easy to use Connector w/Safety & Lock System
The "Squeeze" in a graduated compression is most firm at the bottom and reduces toward the top of the garment like human body.
Greatest pressure at the distal end(ankle) of the garment and gradually decrease toward the proximal (top) end of the garment / Garment Cover Size: Mid Calf-18", Knee-20", Mid Thigh-24", Call for need bigger size.
High Technology Compression System; Inflate air 8 sec 1st chamber - Inflate air 8 sec 2nd chamber - Inflate air 1st+2nd chamber - Inflate air 8 sec 3rd chamber - Inflate air 1st, 2nd, 3rd chamber - Inflate air 8 sec 4th chamber - Inflate air 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th chamber - deflate air 25 sec all 4 chambers
What is the importance of having a sequential gradient pump? ***It is designed to deliver a controlled amount of pressure which is greatest at the distal end (foot) of the garment and gradually decreases towards the proximal (top) end of the garment. This improves the efficiency of the valves which return the blood to your body. ***The "squeeze" in a graduated compression garment is most firm at the bottom and reduces toward the top of the garment. This difference creates an effective pump which, working with the movement of your calf muscle pushes fluid and blood back up trough the body. ***Our Squeezing Gradient Sequential Compression System also prevent blood and lymph fluid reverse to leg or arms during inflation time. ***Sequential pumps with gradient pressure have proven to be the best devices for reducing the lymphatic fluid from the limb in a comfortable and efficient manner. These pumps function in much the same manner as the body does by utilizing the muscle pump. The body uses various muscle groups to move the lymphatic fluid through the channels. Unlike the vascular system, the lymphatic system does not have a built-in pump. The vascular system has the heart to pump the blood through the body. The lymphatic system relies on the muscle groups to rhythmically move the fluid through the body. ***Who should use compression circulator? Everyone, who.... * spends long hours standing or sitting at their job * has parents who suffered from leg or venous problems * is overweight * is confined to bed or a wheelchair * is pregnant or may become pregnant * has tired, swollen, aching feet, legs and ankles * has mild to severe varicose veins * has chronic venous insufficiency * has prone to venous stasis ulcerations.